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Holiday Shopping Guide for Busy Families

By Kelsey Hokit|
The holidays bring a lot of joy and laughter but can also feel incredibly busy and chaotic for many families. Trying to balance kids’ activities, holiday parties, gift shopping, and family get-togethers can feel overwhelming. Our holiday shopping guide will give you tips to get your shopping done without any added stress! 
1. Plan Ahead
Make your shopping list ahead of time so you know exactly what you are looking for when you get to the mall. Write out each person that you need to purchase a gift for and have a good idea of what you are wanting to get them so that you know exactly what stores to hit and you aren’t stuck spending extra time browsing. 
2. Be Thoughtful
When purchasing gifts, it is not always about spending the most money. A gift will be more meaningful to someone if they know you thought of something they truly liked. Whether the person enjoys reading and you get them a great book or someone loves to cook and you purchase a beautiful set of kitchen utensils, you want to take the time to think about useful gifts. Even an hour out of your day will allow you to come up with a great list of gifts that everyone on your list will enjoy.
3. Try to Finish It in One Day
If possible, it can be a great idea to knock out all holiday shopping in one day. If you have kids, this can be a great time to let your kids go to a friend’s house or spend time with a family member so you can get your shopping done without any added distractions. Have your list ready and be prepared to spend several hours if needed, but it will feel great to get it completed!
Holiday shopping can feel overwhelming, but these simple tips will help alleviate the stress and have you prepared. Gone are the days of shopping a few days before the holidays! 

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